75 °F Ocean City, US
September 19, 2024

Leigh Carrico Morrison, 61

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.  

Proverbs 31:30 NIV

Leigh Carrico Morrison, 61, of Punta Gorda, FL and Ocean City, NJ died on May 14, 2024.  

She was born on February 11, 1963, in Wyandotte, Michigan.  She was the loving wife of Jeffrey J. Morrison (35 years), the doting mother of Raleigh (Emma Morrison) and Savannah Morrison, and the spoiling grandmother of Archer and Harbor Morrison.

She worked every summer for 30 years at the Family’s motel in Ocean City, NJ.  She was involved in several area churches taking on children’s nursey and AWANA programs.  She was a giver.  She would buy her Christmas presents all year long and give them to her friends and family way before Christmas.  She loved to see the excitement in their eyes.  Leigh ran the “good” race and took care of all four of her parents and in-laws until they preceded her in death.  She was the “fun” neighbor who would leave presents at their front door, ring the doorbell, and run.  To know her was to love her and her laughter can still be heard in our hearts and memories.  She loved to sing, and her voice resonated to the point where she did not need a microphone.  People at church would always turn around to see who that was singing.  She sang at weddings for her family and Christmas shows.  Leigh was beautiful inside and out.  She was a fighter too.  No one could stop her from sticking up for others.  She believed in helping others in need, and often quoted her father by saying, “Everybody needs a hand up at some point in their lives.”  

Memorial services will be held periodically to spread her ashes with family and friends throughout the country.  Just recently Leigh’s older grandson asked who Jesus was and it brought tears to her eyes.  She was overjoyed at the prospect of meeting up with him after church services, and she had recently heard about the church’s new building project for future generations.  

In lieu of flowers, cards, etc., please keep Leigh’s legacy alive by donating to the Deep Creek Community Church’s building fund at: dc3.tv/give

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