44 °F Ocean City, US
March 20, 2025

Van Drew demands an apology: Here it is

Editor’s note: This was updated Wednesday afternoon.

In a press conference Monday morning, U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew demanded the Ocean City Sentinel apologize for a guest column published in last week’s edition of the newspaper excoriating Van Drew for his support of former President Donald Trump.

The congressman said the column, an Another View submission entitled, “Van Drew’s nightmare … Police come calling,” threatened him and threatened his wife. Van Drew alleges the writer of the column, John McCall, left a threatening phone message at his home.

That phone message was the topic of McCall’s column. 

McCall, a local resident and freelance journalist who periodically submits guest columns and letters to the editor, wrote about being visited by Ocean City police officers responding to a request from the congressman after receiving the phone message.  As editor and publisher of the newspaper, here is my personal response directly to the congressman about the phone message and printing the column:

I learned about the contents of the phone message after the column appeared. I condemn it fully and completely. It is horrible to leave a message like that on anyone’s phone, much less a congressman. No one should have to hear that kind of sentiment expressed.

McCall is not a staff member or a paid contributor to the newspaper. If he were, that phone message would have been a firing offense at this newspaper.

With regard to the column, I am sorry you felt threatened and felt your wife was threatened. There are no two ways about that. I blame that on my judgment. I knew in advance that the guest column was vitriolic and highly critical of you and your support for the former president. In the section you point out, I know McCall was arguing against any type of bad treatment of women but phrased it in a way that should have been changed so that was abundantly clear. If I thought his writing contained any threats of any type of harm to women, I would not have allowed it to appear in my newspaper.

However, the way it was written was wrong. I condemn any type of violence or harm against women or any type of writing that can be seen as vaguely suggesting that. I realize just allowing those words in the newspaper in any context can be triggering and was inappropriate. I knew that in advance and let you and our readers down by not changing or eliminating it.

You didn’t call me directly to ask for an apology. Instead you held a public press conference to blast this newspaper and the man who wrote the column. But that is fair. You have every right to respond. I wish I knew about the content of the phone call earlier. If I did, I would not have let that column appear in the newspaper.

To give you your due, I had a reporter cover that press conference and report on it. That story is on the front page of this newspaper, giving an airing of your reaction to the column and the author and giving you prominent space to have your say. 

My newspaper staff and I have covered you for more than 20 years and that relationship has always been cordial, even if strained at times when this newspaper took you to task over political votes or issues at the county, state or federal level. Never have I believed you should feel personally in danger from an opinion expressed on these pages, whether ours or a submission from a member of the community. 

I believe in giving readers space to put their names to criticism of any elected official. During the last presidential term and election, many opposing views were expressed and many were strident. It is important for the newspaper to provide a forum for that. 

However, in this instance, I have let the readers down. 

The partisan vitriol has become so extreme, it is easy to get desensitized to what is being said. I am fully aware of that. I have written in this space in both editorials and columns that we all need to tone down the political anger that is dividing our country.

By not editing this column – or asking the guest writer to edit it – in a way that would ensure the congressman and his wife did not feel threatened, the net result is adding to the anger, not diminishing it.

That does not contribute to a dialogue, serve our readers or our Democracy.

– David Nahan, Editor and Publisher, Ocean City Sentinel

Covering Van Drew

This newspaper has extensively covered Jeff Van Drew from his time on the Cape May County Board of Chosen Freeholders (now Commissioners) to working as a state assemblyman and senator through the present in his second term as a congressman. That coverage includes countless news stories and commentaries.

Over the years the Sentinel has been suppportive and critical of Van Drew’s positions on county, state and federal issues.

The most recent staff criticism of Van Drew on these pages was after the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol. This newspaper endorsed Van Drew in his run for Congress in 2018 but did not endorse him or his Democratic opponent in the 2020 Second District race.

We will continue to report and comment on his votes and political positions in Congress and his statements related to his office or campaign. 

We will not shy away from being critical of the congressman if we believe it is deserved, but we will endeavour to ensure the views we express stick to the professional, not the personal, and ask that our guest writers for columns and letters to the editor do the same. 


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  1. CLARIFICATION: and its ownership are not affiliated with the Ocean City Sentinel or its website,

    The Ocean City Sentinel was made aware of threats to a third party that is absolutely unrelated to the recent circumstances. OCNJDaily and its owner, Ken Wisnefski, have no affiliation or ties with the Ocean City Sentinel.

    OCNJDaily and Ocean City Sentinel are separate media entities owned by different companies.

    If there are any comments or questions related to the Ocean City Sentinel and its content, they should be directed exclusively to the contact form on the Ocean City Sentinel website.

  2. What a weak “apology”! Printing death threats, yes, they were death threats, is beneath any legitimate journalist. Proper criticisms are above board, but McCall’s phone message, and his continued attack on Van Drew is so obvious and flagrant, that it just leaves me shaking my head on how you could print that. If you don’t like Van Drew, find someone to run against him, raise money, organize, and vote. By the way, Van Drew won his last election by a decisive five points!

    1. At least they posted your comment—they did not like mine so I got cancelled. Free Speech is gone—The only speech allowed is what the democrats want to hear 🙁 God help us and our children!!

    2. This cowardly attack and public incitement to violence (thinly veiled) cannot possibly be legal…we should demand elected representatives and law enforcement make every effort to hold this ugly person accountable for his vile actions.

    3. Absolutely. If a conservative would’ve done this to a democrat it would be not only on the front pages of the WaPo and the NYT but in the UK papers.

    4. Pathetic rag with a publisher that reluctantly apologized. Right out of the Antifa, Maxine, Pelosi, Booker school of Democrat socialist power mongering. Anything goes. Sentinel is just a NYTimes wannabe. Totally unprofessional by choice.

  3. This is not an apology—Its an Ohhh–“I cancelled him and I should not have” its….”he’s not a democrat anymore so ill let this one print”….Its Just Disgusting!!
    You did not like Van Drews response—-too bad—I would have done the same thing!! You think your special and deserve notice—NOT—How does it feel?? Now you are CANCELLED!!
    I wont read your newspaper ever again—I like unbias objective editors–who actually proof read the newspaper they are in charge of!!

  4. To hide behind the weak and transparent excuse that you “didn’t hear the phone message” is frankly cowardly. The fact is you could’ve listened to the recording if you even slightly cared about the difference between death threats and dialog, between threats against someone’s wife and kids, and nicknaming politicians & media members. My guess is that you wouldn’t listen because you pretty much knew what it said, that it didn’t support your agenda. It’s easy to see that by reading what’s obviously your first attempt at writing an apology letter. The letter reeked of persiflage rather than a genuine attempt to right a wrong. Every day, for as long as I can remember (40+ years) Democrats have been calling people they don’t know “racists, homophobes, xenophobes” and now they’ve double-downed with everyone with which they disagree, “white supremacist,” etc, yet not a word from any media, or these Democrat victims of Trump. It’s truly fascinating. Interestingly enough, you constantly bring up your relationship with the Congressman as if he’s some kind of other species and your readers would be surprised that he acts sort of normal. I kept waiting for the “you people” slur to follow some of your self compliments. I was hoping I’d finally see some journalistic integrity with your apology, but it turns out it was the same old media using their “journalism” as a weapon. So instead of going to jail to protect a source, today’s journalists will still go to jail to protect their headlines. Sad…

    1. I heartily concur with your statements. It is reprehensible on the part of the paper, which I will now call a “rag” because it has sunk to new lows as far as journalism and accountability go. I would hope that Mr. VanDrew goes after McCall, who should be prosecuted for his deliberately dangerous words, and that the Sentinel loses whatever readers are left clinging to this mean-spirited, one sided “rag”.

  5. Evidently, McCall hates President Donald Trump and Representative Jeff Van Drew with a hatredy-hatred that exceeds and surpasses all hatreds that have ever existed on the face of the earth. McCall’s hatred-overload apparently includes fantasies of rape and violation against his perceived political “enemies” and their families. Scapegoating a woman is the apex of male misogyny. It is unfortunate that Ocean City’s paper of record provided a forum for advocating this kind of menacing and rabid behavior. This is one woman who will make it a point to avoid your advertisers.

  6. Chris Stigal, morning host (WPHT 990 am-Philly) had Congressman Van Drew on this morning and played the entire death treat voice message left by McCall. The rage, hatred and vitriol spewed out by this degenerate who is clearly suffering from Trump derangement Syndrome deserved to be visited by law authorities. David Nahan’s pathetic response was not an apology, but rather an explanation into the rationale of McCall and his paper. Nahan is well aware of McCall’s partisan hatred and vitriol, but now that his paper has been exposed, he states in his explanation that he and his staff now need to make a conscious effort to “tone down the political anger that is dividing our country”. Classic gas lighting. Ironically, Nahan now finds himself on the “business end” of the cancel culture gun and I hope a lot of subscribers to the Sentinel were tuned into Stigal’s show this morning and become ex-subscribers as well as boycott any and all businesses that fund the paper through advertising.

  7. I was a newspaper reporter and editor for 45 years, and any editor who could read these op-ed offerings and not immediately throw them in the “unhinged — not fit for print” file is sadly lacking in responsible editorial judgment and standards.

  8. I read the apology different: It seems thorough, proportionate to the paper’s offense, and contrite. I wonder what would have satisfied the commenters. On the range of apologies from false ones to practically killing oneself out of regret, where should the acceptable apology fall? When considering this, keep in mind that the guilty column contributor is just that: a contributor to the paper and not an employee or contactor and that the apology unequivocally says he should have edited-out the offensive parts and emphasizes lament about the content of a rotten phone call the paper had nothing to do with..

    One last point, which I make reluctantly because I do not want to engage in partisanship, but do you see the hypocrisy in three of the commenters implicitly invoking cancel culture while also calling for a boycott of the paper or its advertisers?

    1. No, the “apology” WAS NOT appropriate. Make a public announcement that this freelancer is free to work elsewhere if other newspapers wish to hire him and he is free to post his vitriol on the internet (the same as any other citizen) but he will NO LONGER work for this “news”paper.

      News organizations always try to weasel out of the harsh scrutiny that they so freely force on (almost) everyone else. (They certainly cherry pick who they will criticize or report negatively on – scumbags).

      So, NO the apology is NOT PROPORTIONATE (only a journalist would think that). ANY person who has a REAL job, instead of earning an overly comfortable living sitting on their useless ass typing snotty crap about people they don’t like would consider it to be minimal effort at best.

    2. If this had happened to a person the editor supported, not only would it not have been allowed to be printed (delete offensive parts, give me a break!) the author of the opinion would have been arrested for terroristic threats. The editor should be fired.

    3. Easy…. Throw them in jail. That would be justice cause usually making a threat like that is a jailable offense.

    4. “I do not want to engage in partisanship, but do you see the hypocrisy in three of the commenters implicitly invoking cancel culture while also calling for a boycott of the paper or its advertisers?”

      We’re on the same page as far as not wanting to engage in partisanship Samuel. In fact, toward that end, and just for the record, I’m not Right or Left and didn’t vote for Trump.

      But I see no hypocrisy in this case. Simply because there’s no comparison.

      After all, by your own admission the commenters are “calling for a boycott of the paper or its advertisers.”

      While Cancel Culture, on the other hand, is an attempt to cancel 500 years of Western Cultural Life, in all of our social institutions. And a successful attempt at that. So far, at least.

      Indeed, a better word than “Cancel” would be “Delete.” And they’re doing it.

      Furthermore, I’m sure the three commenters you mentioned know full well, as you and I do, that they have no chance of ever being succeful should they pursue their interest in a boycott.

      Whereas there is virtually nothing standing in the way of Cancel Culture.

      So, again, I see no hypocrisy because there’s no comparison.

    5. Would it be proportionate to the offense if it was aimed at your mother, wife, daughter? I actually do want an answer to that question. It’s not rhetorical.

      Your poor choice to defend, in any way, this rubbish of journalism, committed you to participating in partisan politics.

      Yes, this paper and ANY media outlet who picks a side politically should be shut down and ALL Constitutional protections removed permanently.

      The media is complicit in tearing our country apart and anyone who defends any media outlet or “journalist” when they choose a political side is complicit in assisting them in their attack on America.

  9. Perhaps what goes around, comes around.

    A ‘culture’ promoting violence and rape should be cancelled. Apparently, the editor was too illiterate to see what he was reading. Nahan might benefit from literacy training, as well as a deeper recognition of not-so-subliminal messages. To rectify The Sentinel’s excursion into spitefulness and obscenity, perhaps the editor and contributors could make donations to Coalition Against Rape and Abuse or other worthy organizations trying to safeguard women and children…and encourage their advertisers to do the same.

    1. I can’t imagine any article ever appearing in any newspaper without being edited. This would make the editors at fault and not the guest writer. If by chance the article was not checked it makes this newspaper a joke!

  10. Nahan is just another left minded twink believing MSM can threaten anyone they choose.

    This is just a piss ant news outlet. It’s just a matter of time before Conservatives put them in their place.

    Nahan, it will enjoyable to watch your circulation disintegrate before your eyes. Remember, you are part of the minority in our country.

  11. We have no freedom of the press. This is the sort of thing that one found in Soviet era mouthpieces of the communist party. Ocean City Sentinel, you are fooling no one except yourself.

  12. I don’t know which is ultimately the worse. The disgusting voice mail by a disgusting low-life who you actually published knowing by your own statement the tone and threats: Or you weak kneed apology meant not to apologize but to make you seem as the victim of unfounded outrage.

    All nonsense aside, it was your responsibility to edit the trash out either personally or thru subordinates. Accept the responsibility and prevent future occurrences.

    George Weible

  13. Disgusting lack of apology for a clear lackey “journalist” of the Democrat party! As an editor you should step down from your position! At best your paper should be dissolved. It has crossed the line of appropriate journalism and into the realm of HATE SPEECH AND THREATS!

    The reason is pure and simple as to why you didnt see the words as hate or threatening before you posted them. It’s because you believe those words!!! What Mr. McCall stood for when he wrote them is what you believe.

    That’s why you posted it in your paper.

    Those words didnt bother you, you didnt look at those words as “hatefull or threatening”! You read that column and you agreed with everything it said because it attacks someone that disagrees with the two of you politically!!!

    Shame on you!!!! .

    Mr.Nahan, you are well aware of McCall’s partisan hatred and vitriol, but now that his “HATE” has been exposed, your explanation that you and your staff now need to make a conscious effort to “tone down the political anger that is dividing our country” is Classic gas lighting.

    It is your party,the so called institution of journalism, “higher education administrators/professors, liberal TV anchors, etc… Mr. Nahan that has created this political vitriol and hatred.

    Shame on you and shame on your rag paper for printing and having anything to do with Mr. McCall!! Do the Right thing and no longer print McCall’s hate filled rhetoric going forward.

    Step down from your position. You clearly have become jaded.

  14. This paper is a disgrace. John McCall is a disgrace. He should be in jail, should never be able to write again. Screw free speech. The only ones that have that right are the left. They seem to get away with so call free indoctrination, death threats. Now that is criminal. Oh John, you better RUN and HIDE! Looking at your so called selfie, HaHaHa! You call yourself a man? What a joke! Your a skinny little Wessel. GAG! But now, I know what you look like. Will help in the future.

  15. David Nathan, your apology was so lame. You know it!! You should be ashamed of yourself. What you should be doing is bending over backwards apologizing. Not this half ass excuse. Freelance, McCall. So that means I should be able to write the same things he did in your paper. RIGHT? How about starting with the bias in media, newspapers, or on the left? How corrupt this is!!!!!!!!!! Oh sorry, it’s the truth and that can’t be printed. This was the straw that broke the camels back for me. I sit hear and listen to all this crap and I’m sick of it. You’re done mister. The word is out and I’m going to spread it even more. You’re a sick man and so is McCall.

  16. What a joke these people sit around in there bubble sipping their lattes acting like the know the real world what a fucking joke of a place a bunch of wierdos. I’m glad Van Drew is a real person and not one of these libtards. Your boy Joe Biden, Mr. editor whatever your lame name is, is an embarrassment and a joke ,and since Mr McCall is so tough wants violence so bad I challenge him to a bare knuckle fight on the Ocean City beach with a referee and audience. I mean if you say something you should stand by it so if you want violence it’s here for you. Respectfully

  17. WTF is wrong with that sick MF’er threatening a congressman & his family? Evil POS should be sitting in a jail cell, sued for everything his sorry ass has, & fired immediately with no benefits or ability to file unemployment! Sounds like your rag is illegitimate & irrelevant to allow this hatred!! I know most DEMONrats are psychotic & sick, but this is a new low!!

  18. …as long as that government provides and protects the basic rights of life, liberty, and property to the people. Locke further argued that if a government no longer protects each individual’s right, then revolution is not just a right but an obligation. Ignore the past and you imperil us all. There is a brake point towards which we accelerate with reckless, willful ignorance and spite. Do not underestimate the silent majority. Peace, empathy & civil discourse.

  19. You should publicly state that you will NEVER hire or use that disgusting freelance “journalist” again. And really overall, kind of a weak apology.

  20. This publication is not as bad as your typical high school paper but it’s getting close. Smooth move there Mr. Editor. Do you have anymore “good ideas” ?

  21. Shame on you…your only mad and apologizing because you got caught. You and your paper are what is wrong with this Country. I don’t support your paper (never have, never had the chance to) but I will never support it and will encourage anyone in the area to do the same.

    SHAME ON YOU!!!!

  22. Your paper deserves to be put out of business
    Who would read this kind of hate?
    America is great and the Sentinel is evil

  23. Hello, My Grandparents and Parents spent their Honeymoons in Ocean City NJ long ago. I spent my Honeymoon in Ocean City NJ 30 years ago. I have driven my 3 Children from Colorado to Ocean City NJ for their summer vacation every summer for the past 29 years. It is to say the least to see how this newspaper feels a lame apology is an adequate response to this Guest Reporters’s attack on a United States Senator. I am writing to tell you that my Family and my descendants will no longer bring our money to Ocean City New Jersey. This is SHAMEFUL. Ocean City is a Family Resort, your Newspaper has turned Ocean City into a cesspool of hatred.

  24. So if you publish death threats then the editor should go to jail and so should the Columnist. Making a death threat or threat of Violence is the only speech not protected under the 1st Amendment. Making a threat like that usually comes with jail time. Time to throw you in jail.

  25. The Ocean City Sentinel and John McCall are absolutely equally responsible and guilty in promoting threats of physical and sexual violence against Van Drew and his family. One wrote a despicable, disgusting and perverted column and the other agreed and supported the column by allowing it to be published in their newspaper. This was a coordinated agreement between the two. As far as an apology goes, I never would have asked for one because it definitely wouldn’t have been a sincere and remorseful apology, considering how much evil and hate were worded in the article, in which the papers response regarding the column proves that to be undeniably true. The Team of McCall and The Sentinel are undoubtedly mentally unhinged and extremely dangerous towards American citizens who have different opinions and beliefs. Their mental state is not Trumps fault, republicans fault or any conservatives fault on how they feel. It’s their own fault that they can’t or even know how to handle situations when they don’t go there way. These kinds of articles, attitudes and actions shows weakness and unprofessional behavior. They Stomp their feet, throw themselves to the ground, kicking, screaming, crying and threatening republicans with physical and sexual violence and let’s not forget they like to verbally abuse republicans as well. Constantly using the race card and everyone is a white supremacist. They used those words so much that they don’t mean anything no more. There’s nothing wrong that an American president was proud to be American, who loved our flag, country, military, American history, national anthem, pledge allegiance, our constitution, etc.. and wanting to put our country and citizens first. It’s about time we had a president who did such that and actually kept his promises to the American people! I hope one day that all these wicked evil disgraceful violent heartless soulless people will become a loving caring pillar of the community. One last thing, if you want to be respected in this field of journalism, Please learn how to be a REAL Journalist. Your articles are filled with your own opinions and feelings and that’s not journalism. Real and true journalism is unbiased and truthful. Your articles on the other hand, well, they belong in tabloid and smut magazines.

  26. This is a pathetic apology.

    David Nahan, the only honorable thing you can do now is to quit journalism completely. This pathetic rag you call a paper and journalism is disgusting at its best and traitorous at its average. You have turned your back on decency and the United States Constitution.

    You allowed this story to go to print even though you knew it would be considered a threat. You encouraged this maniac by printing any of this disgusting rhetoric. You are a co-conspirator.

    You, personally, are responsible for this rhetoric and the tearing apart of our great nation. You are a traitor.

  27. Seriously? Obviously your editorial staff decided to delete the original article…I cannot find it ANYWHERE! Any respectful publication would leave it posted at least to provide prosective on your, “apology” which any reasonable person would deem underwhelming. Do you really think threating a standing congressmen is journalistically within the 1st amendment? Perhaps you should rethink your standards, or at least READ the oath of Journalist.

    Shame on you!

    1. The guest editorial from McCall was never published online because it was a guest column and not from a paid employee.

  28. You and your paper need to rethink your ideals no matter what political side what you allowed was accessory to a felonyaccomplice to a felony by aiding or abetting a mentally unstable person Threatening a woman and family with “Terroristic Threats” he needs to be Prosecuted and Jailed and your paper held accountable to!! But just like “ANTIFA” and “BLM” the crooked Justice System will let us the Citizens of the United States of America down.

  29. David Nahan should resign. He is the final word of this paper. This is not just a mistake of some accidental words or publishing someone one time. This person has published threatening and dangerous articles multiple times in this paper. Death threats and sexual assault threats are not something to take lightly and to simply say that David didn’t see the words as being any threats. So either David Nahan hasn’t been doing his job as editor or he felt the same way as John McCall and is only apologizing simply because his paper is now news itself.

  30. This paper has lost its credibility and integrity. Nobody working here anymore can feel that they are viewed with respect. This is a shame for the entire staff. I heard about the attacks on Congressman Van Drew on the Maria Bartiromo show this morning and am disgusted with your leadership at the paper. This paper is permanently stained as a vile publication and your apology is too little – too late.

  31. Hey, Editor … why do you keep saying Van Drew got the call “allegedly”? You eventually heard the call—right? So there’s nothing alleged about it. Further, ilk like you keep calling Jan. 6th an “insurrection.” [pause for laughter] Did you see tactical gear? SWAT-clad men? Tactical weapons? Parameter control? People held hostage? What the hell are you people even talking about here !!! And by the way, we have ALL the videos of DC cops “removing barriers” and “waving them in”. Don’t think for one minute defense attorneys won’t play that in court … on huge jumbotrons. And of course, a list of sixteen (16) Black Lives Matter and Antifa MURDERED last summer. You dumb @#!!{{#!!

  32. You are sorry that he and his wife “felt threatened” ? The “article” was an open and heinous threat. It was written with the tone of an extremist and had no intelectual value. You should step down as editor. If you own the paper, you should hire an editor. You certainly are not one.

  33. McCall, the so-called journalist should be arrested and put in prison .. he has a criminal mind and has brought terror into a family and caused mental and emotional harm. McCall should be arrested and sued for everything he is worth, which probably isn’t much. Mc Call is a detriment to society.. he is a perfect democrat.

  34. If Nahan read McCall’s pathetic diatribe and did not verify McCall’s claims, then Nahan should be fired. If Nahan did not review the recording and transcript of McCall’s phone call prior to printing McCall’s rant, then Nahan should be fired. If Nahan did review the recording and transcript of McCall’s phone call prior to printing McCall’s rant, then Nahan should be fired.

    Nahan and McCall have the same traits in common; They are both idiots with some sort of mental disorder who obviously “think” alike and neither of them are actually journalists. These dopes are the reason why the lucid among us have less trust in the media than we do with the the liars, hypocrites, thieves and politicians who are destroying our country.

    They would have been highly successful if they were employed by Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Mugabe, Castro, Chavez et ceteras…

  35. After hearing the voice message and reading the editor & publisher’s weak pathetic cowardly little self serving apology…..

    I can’t imagine why anyone would knowingly buy, read or advertise in this paper ever again. I have a much lower opinion of this paper than what’s found in a port a potty or septic system.

  36. Notice they say nothing about no letting him be a guest columnist again? Then they ask why he didn’t call them directly? Why would you contact someone who clearly authorized the fodder to be launched. At that point you know what they will say. We need to organize a protest. Blue and Red come together to denounce partisan sexual assault threats period.

  37. The propagandist media created this sick groupthink / wrongthink paradigm where up is down, election fraud is “the Democratic process,” and people with actual moral convictions are “traitors” to a corrupt establishment.

    Where people such as Gina Carano are fired for making reasonable and conscientious observations, but the same corporation (Disney) continues to employ a producer, Jack Morrissey, a sick and vile reprobate who tweeted that he wanted to send “#MAGAKids … screaming, hats-first, into the woodchipper.”

    And, this sick mindset takes root in the weak-minded and the depraved, including this freelance hack whom Ocean City Sentinel published and subsidized.

    The media has truly become the enemy of a free people. Nice work. And cram your “apology.”

  38. I just attempted to post a comment but I see this paragon-of-integrity publication is too intellectually dishonest and weak to actually allow open comments, instead opting to cherry-pick and “moderate.” In other words, more censorship.

    1. Sorry I hadn’t gone through comments yet, as long as there is no profanity or threats your comment will be approved.

  39. You read the article prior to print yet allowed it to be published? An apology, when shamed but not out of guilt shows a lack of character that is apparently an asset in being an editor in much of today’s media. You even attempt to deflect some of the responsibility on to Van Drew for not calling you personally AFTER publishing McCall’s column? As for the “insurrection” mentioned in your apology that is another example of your biased slant on events, history, and partisanship. If I had birds to line the bottom of their cage your apology and paper might be have some value.

  40. There is no two ways about it, if you failed to scrutinize submitted work, then you failed your job. If you did know…then you should no longer be employed, you are a disgrace as an editor.

    After the Congressman received the death and violent threats it wasn’t up to him to ask you to apologize. You should have come forward on your own. You only apologized to cover your ass. You better hope nothing happens to the congressman or his family. Your paper would go under from lawsuits and prison terms.

  41. I wish for nothing but equal justice. The FBI should surround his house and search the contents while the family members are handcuffed outside awaiting arrest. the same things the demorats are doing to republican vets who were in the capital. Its disgusting to see decorated veterans from oath keepers treated like terrorist because they were let into the capital to be set up as criminals. I’m sick of the unequal treatment based on political affiliation.. this editor and “guest communist” is a perfect example of life under demorats

  42. That is not an apology.
    It is side – stepping, deflective, blather.
    The fact is that YOUR gang of Democrat ANTIFA thugs attacked the Capitol.
    Until you admit it, you are still an Enemy of the United Stated Of America.

  43. John McCall wrote a rape fantasy as well as a murder threat. Have to wonder what he does in the late hours when he leaves his basement apartment.

  44. You are full of S^*T, if you meant it you would never have allowed this loser McCall’s trash to be published in the first place! Sick of you liberal pricks and its time you ALL get run out of business!

  45. How could the editor allow this to be printed? Why? It’s one thing to disagree with someone politically; however, to print such vial about a private person is totally wrong. Congressman’s wife and family are not fair game. What happened to journalistic integrity? That’s why no one trusts the newspaper or any mainstream news. Sad.

  46. I am so glad to see people fighting back against the true fascists and enemies of rational debate. Really don’t think these morons understand the damage they are causing. The powder keg they are insisting to ignite. For whatever reason, they feel so righteous that they lost the ability to be reasonable… to be Americans. The CCP is so loving these “voices”. As if they had agents serving in our newsrooms. Incredible… lets keep exposing their toxic vitriol.

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