SOMERS POINT — Furniture delivery has never been greener nor more cost-efficient.
USDA Rural Development joined local officials Jan. 17 at Surfside Casual Furniture in Somers Point to announce more than $16 million in clean energy projects for small businesses and farms in rural and small-town New Jersey.
“I’m here at Surfside Casual/7Mile Design to highlight their project because they went beyond the standard solar panel installation to include battery storage and vehicle chargers — further insulating the business from the rise of gas prices,” said Jane Asselta, state director of USDA Rural Development for New Jersey. “Our grant recipients have taken an affirmative step to free their business from the inflation of energy prices, saving money so they can reinvest the savings into their businesses.”
Surfside Casual, which is one of 50 entities in New Jersey that have received funding from President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, created an energy transfer station at its warehouse in Egg Harbor Township.
The furniture store at 11 MacArthur Blvd. received about $790,000 to implement the project.

According to the USDA, the grant was used to purchase and install a 204.3 kilowatt (kW) roof-mounted solar array that will be connected to a 250 kW islanded micro grid environment. The environment contains 1540 kW solar storage and four dual 12 kW electronic vehicle chargers.
The project has allowed Surfside Casual to convert to an electric fleet while increasing its bottom line, the USDA stated. It is expected to lower the company’s energy use by 91 percent per year. Rural Development investment totals $2.8 million across 13 projects in Atlantic and Cape May counties.
“The USDA has been fabulous for doing things for people in south Jersey,” state Sen. Vince Polistina said.
The solar generating station was installed in 2023 and 2024.
Robert Himmelstein, who owns Surfside Casual and 7Mile Design with his wife, Stephanie, is the second generation operating the family business. They own stores in Egg Harbor Township, Stone Harbor and Manahawkin.
“We take pride in being a third-generation family business, deeply rooted in our community since 1981,” said Himmelstein, whose son Stefen recently became vice president of operations. “Demonstrating our commitment to sustainability, we’ve harnessed the power of renewable energy by installing an off-grid solar and battery system to energize our warehouse. Additionally, we’ve introduced a new fleet of solar-powered electric delivery vans.”
Himmelstein said he could not get an interconnection with Atlantic City Electric, so Josh Lewin, president of Helios Solar Energy, helped him develop the project.
Lewin said Himmelstein has made being energy efficiency and hedging against energy inflation “a cornerstone of one of his business models.”
Local and county officials also were present.
“Thank you to Surfside for bringing all of the green initiatives to Somers Point and Atlantic County. We’re so proud to have a business like yours here and congratulations on receiving this grant,” Atlantic County Board of County Commissioners Chairwoman Maureen Kern told Himmelstein.
Councilwoman Janice Johnston said the project is exciting.
“I want to thank you for bringing Somers Point into this century, taking the initiative to do that, and I hope more businesses in town will follow your lead,” Johnston said.
Crossing moves
to new day, time
OCEAN CITY – The Crossing ministry at Ocean City Baptist Church, for those ages 18-29, has moved to a new day and time. The Crossing will be meeting on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 7 p.m.
“The time of life from 18-29 is a lot like a crossing – with high school behind you, you’re crossing over into ‘real life,’ with all the questions that come with it. The Crossing seeks to provide a beacon of spiritual truth to guide the way, as well as a community of people who are ‘in the same boat,’” according to the church.
For more information about the Crossing, please contact Pastor Jamie or the church office at (609) 399-2261.
Check out the Ocean City Baptist Church website, at, to find the church calendar, church news, sermon downloads, and the opportunity to give online.
OCBC holds Spanish services which are shepherded by Enrique Leal. The Spanish Ministry meets on Sunday at 4:30 p.m.
– STORY and PHOTOS by CRAIG D. SCHENCK/Sentinel staff