48 °F Ocean City, US
March 16, 2025

Sea&Do: Upcoming events

Have a Heart

for Veterans

OCEAN CITY — To celebrate Valentine’s Day, the folks at Wesley by the Bay are asking for the public’s support by donating items for gift bags to be given to residents of the Memorial Veterans Home in Vineland, Meadowview veterans unit in Northfield and other veterans facilities in southern New Jersey. 

Have a Heart for Veterans and Warm Hearts for Veterans help show veterans love on Valentine’s Day.

Items can be:

— Wrapped candy boxes or sealed bagged candy

— Individual sealed packs of crackers, cookies, pastries, trail mix, potato chips, pretzels, cheese curls

— Any items that are red, such as socks or gloves, tee shirts of any size, hats, sweatshirts

— A gift card from any area restaurant

This year, instead of donating cash or checks, the group has an Amazon wish list at that will allow the public to order online and choose an item from the list to be delivered directly to the office.

Those wishing to participate should contact Housing Administrator Kathy Speer at (609) 399-6702. 

All donations should be made before Feb. 10. Donations can be sent or dropped off at Wesley by the Bay, 2409 Bay Ave. or The Shores at 2201 Bay Ave. in Ocean City.

Super Bowl

sub sale

SOMERS POINT – Somers Point Fire Department No. 2 Auxiliary is having a Super Bowl sub sale with pickup 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 9.

Cost is $8 Italian, $9 Turkey, roast beef or meatball; $35 for a family pack of four subs, four chips and reusable tote; and $50 for a sub tray. Preorders highly suggested by text or call at (609) 576-3373.

Pickup is 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 20 W. New Jersey Ave., Somers Point.

Fundraising run,

walk April 27

ATLANTIC CITY — The 15th annual Mosaic 5K Run & Health Walk and 1 Mile Family Fun Run & Walk are scheduled for April 27 on the Atlantic City Boardwalk. 

Organized by Mosaic (formerly Seashore Gardens Foundation), the Run & Health Walk is the key fundraiser for Alzheimer’s and dementia outreach and programs.

The event will start and finish at Stockton University’s Atlantic City Campus at Albany Avenue and the boardwalk. The 5K Run will begin at 9 a.m. The 5K Health Walk and 1 Mile Family Fun Run will begin at 8:30 a.m. Wheelchairs and strollers are welcome in each of the events.

Free parking is offered from 7 a.m. to noon at the Stockton University commuter lot, 3601 Boardwalk at Hartford Avenue. 

Pre-registration is available through 5 p.m. April 25. Preregistered participants will receive an event T-shirt (while supplies last). Cost is $35 for runners, $30 for walkers (with $5 discounts for ages 22 and under). Day of registration cost is $45. 

The Family Fun Run is $20, and children ages 10 and under are $15. Same-day registration will be available at the race starting at 7:15 a.m. Visit 

Call (609) 748-4615 or email for more information or sponsorship opportunities.

Shore Women’s

Penny Party

MARMORA – The Country Shore Women’s Club will be hosting a Penny Party Fundraiser will be Friday, Jan. 24, at the Second Cape May Baptist Church, 600 Route 9, Marmora.

Doors open at 6 p.m. and the first ticket will be pulled at 7 p.m.  A book of tickets is $20 and can be purchased at the event to win fun and interesting prizes. 

Proceeds from the Penny Party Fundraiser will be donated to the St. Maximilian Kolbe Food Bank & the Seaville United Methodist Food Bank. Come out for a night of fun while raising funds for these worthy organizations. 

For more information, call Tisa at (609) 457-4144.

‘Write for Rights’

at O.C. Library

OCEAN CITY – Amnesty International, South Jersey Chapter will host an annual global “Write For Rights” event at the Ocean City Free Public Library 4:30 to 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 3.

Amnesty is the largest grassroots human rights organization in the world with about 10 million members. Each year supporters across the globe write millions of letters, cards and tweets, and sign petitions for those whose human rights are being attacked. 

Participants should come with nine non-religious cards and write to show solidarity with these people. Cases include a young woman Tiktoker jailed for criticizing a politician in Angola, a young Argentinian who lost his right eye for peacefully protesting and people jailed for protecting the environment. This is a way for ordinary people to make a difference. Many people have been released from prison as a result of our actions. None of them have committed a criminal act. “Most are exercising rights we take for granted. Where we have rights we have responsibilities. Join us and bring a friend.” Information

Sleep Secrets

talk Feb. 6

OCEAN CITY — Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cape May County Family and Community Health Sciences (FCHS) has scheduled the program Sleep Secrets for 6:30 to 8 p.m. Feb. 6 at the Ocean City Free Public Library, 1735 Simpson Ave.

FCHS educator/assistant professor Chris Zellers will discuss sleep patterns and the benefits of sleep and provide information on ways to get a better night’s rest.

Zellers works to educate residents on topics to improve their overall health and prevent chronic disease with a holistic approach to a well-lived quality lifestyle that includes physical activity, a nutrient-dense diet, and quality sleep.

The class is free but advance registration is requested at Call (6090 465-5115, ext. 3609, for more information.

Want to learn

how to fly fish?

OCEAN CITY – South Jersey Coastal Fly Anglers is offering free introductory fly fishing classes on Feb. 20 and March 20. Classes will be 7 to 9 p.m. in the Senior Center in the Ocean City Community Center, 1735 Simpson Ave.

Please register by calling (609) 412-9604 or emailing

Practicing the Way

Bible Study at

Tabernacle Baptist

OCEAN CITY – Please join Tabernacle Baptist Church in person or via Zoom as the congregation begins the Practicing the Way Bible Study by John Mark Comer.

The eight-week Bible Study is 4 p.m. Sundays as members seek to deepen their relationship with Christ. Dates are Jan. 26, Feb. 9 and 23, March 9 and 23, and April 6, 13 and 27.

Contact the church at to receive the Zoom link for the study and more info.

Green Thumb Garden Club 

meets Feb. 4

SOMERS POINT – The Green Thumb Garden Club invites the public to its 7 p.m. Feb. 4 meeting in the Somers Point Senior Center, 92 N. Ambler Road.

Speaker Bill Reinert, a member of the Somers Point Green Team and nature lover, will share photos and updates on “Endangered Shore Birds.” He travels daily traversing south Jersey capturing amazing shots of these birds reminding locals how wonderful it is to live so near to a river, bay and ocean. For more information contact Pam at (609) 519-3517. 

‘Harriet Tubman

Experience’ Feb. 15

OCEAN CITY – The Ocean City Historical Museum will host “The Harriet Tubman Experience” at 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15, in celebration of Black History Month.

Re-enactor Crystal Hines brings Harriet to life in an interactive performance. There will be live music and light refreshments at the museum after the event, which will be in the Chris Maloney Lecture Hall at the Ocean City Free Public Library. Admission is free.

The library and Historical Museum are in the Ocean City Community Center at 1735 Simpson Ave. 

‘Celtic Spring’


Feb. 21

SOMERS POINT – The Somers Point Unique Experiences Club will host its first “Celtic Spring” celebration at 6 p.m. Feb. 21 at Gregory’s Restaurant in Somers Point.

This event will feature the John Byrne Irish Trio with Maura Dwyer on violin and cello and Rob Curto on accordion. Also on hand that evening will be Irish step dancers, Scottish bagpipes and more.  The evening will also include a four-course themed dinner. Entrée items will be a choice of fresh caught Scottish salmon in a scotch whiskey honey glaze or a 8 oz. filet in an Jameson Irish whiskey demi glace.  “Celtic Spring” begins in February each year and is celebrated by all the Celtic countries that includes Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall,  and Britany. Cost is $70 per person which includes tax and gratuity.  Seating is limited. 

For more information go to or call (609) 233-1820. For reservation send a check to the Somers Point Unique Experience Club, PO Box 564, Somers Point, NJ 08244.  Include phone number and email address.

Grief Support Group

in Ocean City

OCEAN CITY – The Grief Support Group, open to any adult who is grieving the death of a loved one, is invited to attend a safe and caring gathering at 6:30 p.m. every other Tuesday year-round at St. Peter’s United Methodist Church, corner of Eighth Street and Central Avenue, Ocean City. 

There is no need to be a church member or from Ocean City to attend. “It is a time to share your story, to tell of your grief and talk of your loved one. It is a place where you may express your feelings, without judgment, nor fixing. Everything is confidential and you, as well, are privileged and entrusted with the heart-felt stories of others. No matter when your loss, it is healing to acknowledge its place in your life.”

For questions or more information contact Jane Taylor at (609) 412-1855 or by email at

Mental health

support groups

NAMI Connection is a free recovery support group for adults (18+) living with a mental health condition. Participants gain the support of peers who understand their experience and gain insight into others’ challenges and successes. The group encourages empathy, productive discussion and a sense of community.

NAMI Family Support Group is a free peer-led group for family members, caregivers and loved ones (18+) of individuals living with a mental illness. Participants gain the support of peers who understand their experience and gain insight into others’ challenges and successes.


— 7 to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 10, March 10, Family Support Group, St. Joseph Church, Somers Point.

— 7 to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 10, March 10, Somers Point, Connections, St. Joseph Church, Somers Point.

— 7 to 8:30 p.m. Jan. 23, Feb. 27, March 27, Cape May County Library, Cape May Court House, Family Support Group.

Visit or call (609) 741-5125 for more information.

Shiloh Baptist

services Sundays

OCEAN CITY – Pastor Paul extends a heartfelt invitation to join in the 11 a.m. Sunday service at Shiloh Baptist Church, 7E Seventh St., Ocean City.

Bible class is at 10 a.m.

“We would be honored to have you with us as we come together to worship and share in fellowship. Shiloh is where everyone’s life matters and every heart belongs.”

Grief Support Group

in Somers Point

SOMERS POINT – All are welcome to a Grief Support Group that meets at 7 p.m. the second and fourth Thursday of each month from October through January at Grace Lutheran Church, 11 East Dawes Ave., Somers Point.

“Whether you’ve lost a job, a loved one, health, relationships or a dream, we’re here to support you.” It is free and confidential small group care.

To reserve a spot call the church office at (609) 927-3082 or email

Overeaters Anonymous

Overeaters Anonymous of Central Jersey invites people who have problems with food to join them for its 12-step recovery program. There are in-person meetings in Ocean County and Zoom meetings as well.

Visit for more information.

Tuesday night

Dances in S.P.

SOMERS POINT – The Dance Society’s Tuesday night dances are at Somers Point Fire Co. No. 1’s hall at 447 Bethel Road, Somers Point. 

The dances are 7:30 to 10 p.m. Tuesdays featuring live musical duos, light snacks, social dancing, mixers and some line dancing. Cost is $10. “Come out and kick up your heels or just listen to some good music,” a spokes-dancer said. For more information call Rita Voli at (609) 408-3619.

History museum

seeks volunteers

OCEAN CITY — The Ocean City Historical Museum is seeking volunteers to serve as welcome desk greeters (including gift shop sales) and as museum docents. Training will be provided.

The museum is located within the Ocean City Community Center at 1735 Simpson Ave. Those interested in volunteering or learning more should call (609) 399-1801 or email

Join Submarine


SOMERS POINT – South Jersey has a Submarine Association.

Service members who served on a U.S. Military submarine are invited to join the Jersey Sub Association. Call Commander Tom Innocente at (609) 927-4358 for more information

Call for free Family

Crisis Intervention

Families who are experiencing serious difficulties in managing the behavior of children 10 to 17 years old for whom they are responsible can seek assistance through the Atlantic County Juvenile/Family Crisis Intervention Unit (FCIU).

FCIU is a legally mandated program that is available 24 hours a day to intercede in family conflicts and help strengthen the family unit. Its services include short-term crisis stabilization, family assessment, case management, treatment planning and referrals to appropriate community-based services.

FCIU is available to meet in-person by appointment with youth and their families from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at 101 Shore Road in Northfield. Appointments can also be conducted by phone or as a virtual meeting to help de-escalate and resolve family conflicts.

Call (609) 645-5861 or email Referral forms are available at

Free screening

for depression 

Online screening for depression and postpartum depression is available at

The confidential screening involves 10 questions related to topics such as sleep habits, appetite, concentration and level of energy. Resources and recommendations are offered at the end of the survey. 

Anyone who wants to take the screening but needs assistance can call The Mental Health Association in Atlantic County at (609) 652-3800. Staff are available throughout the year by phone or by appointment. No cost, no insurance needed.

Angelic Health 

seeks volunteers 

Angelic Health Palliative & Hospice Care is asking the public to share its time and compassion with those near the end of their journey. 

Visit, email or call (609) 432-0073 for information.

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