‘Authors Night Out’
at Tabernacle Baptist
OCEAN CITY – Tabernacle Baptist Church, at the corner of Eighth Street and West Avenue in Ocean City, invites the public to “Authors Night Out” at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25.
“Why do 70 percent of Christian authors say ‘faith is their creative fuel?’” Meet local Christian authors as they share how their journey of faith has impacted their writing during an engaging panel discussion.
Dementia topic
of AARP meeting
OCEAN CITY – Where are my keys? Where did I put my glasses? Am I getting forgetful? What’s wrong? Do I have an UTI or some other physical deficiency. Are these some questions that you ask yourself? Or are you caring for someone who has been diagnosed with dementia or who may be exhibiting what you consider signs?
Ocean City AARP Chapter 1062 has answers. At 1 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21, the chapter will host Mary Beth Lewis, PM, NJ-Delaware Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, and Sangeeta Appel, owner/president of Home Instead.
Lewis will address stages, risk factors, research, FDA approved treatments and answer any questions. Appel will address available home services, testing, communication about symptoms, available preventative steps and the future need for care services.
It will be in Room 110 of the Ocean City Free Public Library, 1735 Simpson Ave.. Annual dues of $5 will be collected.
Indoor rowing
event Feb. 22
OCEAN CITY — The annual South Jersey Indoor Rowing Championships hosted by the Ocean City Crew Boosters are set for 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Feb. 22 at the Ocean City Music Pier.
This year USRowing age-defined categories will be used instead of scholastic categories. An athlete’s age is determined by how old they will be Dec. 31, 2025, not their current age.
Lightweight weigh-ins will take place at check-in at the registration table. Male limit is 155 pounds and female 135 pounds. Athletes that fail to make weight will be added to an age-appropriate open weight category.
Master categories are separated by USRowing group definitions. Masters Groups A-K will have a handicap. Masters group AA will be run as a stand-alone category and therefore will not be handicapped.
The top three competitors in each category will be awarded a medal. The team title will be awarded to the high school team with the best average of the top 10 individual scores.
Visiti ochscrew.com, email info@ochscrew.com or call (609) 741-7074 to register.
Miss NIV seeks
501c3 groups
OCEAN CITY – The Ocean City Miss Night in Venice Charity is seeking local 501c3 organizations to be considered as recipients of funds raised during the 2025 Pageant.
A letter for consideration must include all of the following:
1. A copy of the original IRS Determination Letter with the EIN/501c3 number.
2. A copy of the most current IRS tax Form 990 or 990N Summary.
3. A copy of the most current New Jersey CRI filing (Charitable Registration.)
4. An email address and phone number for the contact person.
5. The organization’s name, address, and the primary Mission Statement.
6. State how much funding being requested, and specifically, how it will be used by the organization.
To be considered, please email: peezi@aol.com on or before May 1.
Offshore Garden
Club meets Feb. 26
NORTHFIELD – The Offshore Garden Club will meet at the Northfield (Otto Bruyns) Library, 241 W. Mill Road, at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 26.
There will be a presentation by Lin Conover, owner of Wood Song Mushrooms. She will discuss the process of growing cultivated mushrooms, the integral role fungus has for the living planet and identifying wild species and more.
All are welcome. For more information contact Janet Toland at (609) 369-0449 or by email at golfer_nurse@hotmail.com.
Want to learn
how to fly fish?
OCEAN CITY – South Jersey Coastal Fly Anglers is offering free introductory fly fishing classes on Feb. 20 and March 20. Classes will be 7 to 9 p.m. in the Senior Center in the Ocean City Community Center, 1735 Simpson Ave.
Please register by calling (609) 412-9604 or emailing jgerace521@gmail.com.
Practicing the Way
Bible Study at
Tabernacle Baptist
OCEAN CITY – Please join Tabernacle Baptist Church in person or via Zoom as the congregation begins the Practicing the Way Bible Study by John Mark Comer.
The eight-week Bible Study is 4 p.m. Sundays as members seek to deepen their relationship with Christ. Dates are Feb. 9 and 23, March 9 and 23, and April 6, 13 and 27.
Contact the church at Tabernacle760@gmail.com to receive the Zoom link for the study and more info.
Freedom Fund
Gala March 15
WILDWOOD — The Cape May County chapter of the NAACP has scheduled its 5th annual Freedom Fund Gala fundraiser for 5 p.m. March 15 at the Wildwoods Convention Center.
The gala is the local branch’s annual fundraiser, which directly supports the organization’s mission and work and assists those in need.
Tickets are $150 per person and include a cocktail hour, dinner, awards banquet and dancing. Tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite at NAACP CMC 5th Annual Freedom Fund Gala or from a Freedom Fund Committee member.
Spring Craft Show
in Somers Point
SOMERS POINT – Somers Point Fire Co. No. 1 Auxiliary will hold a Spring Craft Show from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, March 22, at the Bethel Road Firehouse. Spaces are $25 each.
For information please call (609) 927-7169 or (609) 927-3281.
Food is Love
food drive is on
OCEAN CITY – The Ocean City Board of Realtors® is pleased to announce it is kicking off its 2025 Community Service Projects, with the Food Is Love drive to collect food, and household items. Donations will be collected now through Feb. 28 and will be used to “Share Some Love” during this Valentine month.
The Food Is Love, Share Some Love winter food drive will collect non-perishable food items and/or gift cards to Shoprite and ACME, which will be donated to the Ecumenical Food Cupboard in Ocean City to provide for local needy families. Donations should be dropped off at the board’s office at 405 22nd St., Ocean City.
Here is a brief list of some of the items that the Food Cupboard has identified in need of:
microwavable mac and cheese, rice, and Hormel meals, peanut butter, jelly 18-20-ounce containers, instant mashed potatoes, single-serve Chef Boyardee Beefaroni, spaghetti with meatballs, canned ravioli, canned fruit, pasta sauce, laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent, cereal, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, and tissues.
“Share Some Love” this winter for families in need. We encourage our Realtor® family, friends, and neighbors to donate items for the residents of Ocean City. “We are very grateful to everyone who has donated in the past and hope that you can help again.” said Gloria Votta, chair, Community Services Committee, Ocean City Board of Realtors®.
For more information, please contact Theresa Lombardo at 609-399-0128 or Theresa@ocbor.com
Friends Book Sale
at O.C. Library
OCEAN CITY – The Friends and Volunteers of the Ocean City Free Public Library spring book sale will be 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, March 14, and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 15.
It will be in the atrium of the library at 1735 Simpson Ave., Ocean City.
The sale is cash only. Please bring a tote bag for purchases. More information can be found at www.friendsvolunteersocfpl.com.
Comedy improv
classes this spring
SOMERS POINT — Somers Point Laughter, Improv and Theater (SPLIT) will be offering comedy improvisation classes this spring at studio;space, 112 Woodland Ave. (across from the Crab Trap) in Somers Point.
The first four-week session is March 18 through April 8 and second April 22 through May 13.
Comedy improv helps actors develop new skills, build confidence and have a good time.
No special skills or experience are necessary for Level One classes, which run 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays. Level Two classes are for those familiar with basic improv skills and run from 8:15 to 9:15 p.m.
Registration cost is $125 for Level One and $150 for Level Two. Classes are open to anyone 18 and older, 16 to 18 with parental permission.
Public performancesare scheduled for March 29, April 26 and May 17 at the same venue.
Email Paul Foer at paul@forefront.com or call (443) 852-2163 for information or to register for classes. Payment may be made through Paypal or in cash at the first class.
HPSUT spring
Bus trip May 3-4
UPPER TOWNSHIP – This year’s Spring bus trip, sponsored by the Historical Preservation Society of Upper Township (HPSUT), will take place on Saturday and Sunday, May 3 and 4..
Registration details and the final itinerary will be available soon. The trip will visit the Hudson Valley to check out George Washington’s last encampment in New Windsor and Newburgh, N.Y., including a stop at New Bridge Landing in Bergen County to visit the “bridge that saved America.” The final stop will be at Washington’s Headquarters in the Morristown National Historic Park. Proceeds benefit HPSUT. Contact Pary Tell at parytell@gmail.com or call (609) 886-8577. Watch for further details online at www.UpperTwpHistory.org or Facebook: www.Facebook.com/UpperTwpHistory
Longest Yarn
beef and beer
CAPE MAY — The Veterans Home Association is sponsoring a beef and beer fundraiser to support The Longest Yarn project.
The event, set for 3 to 7 p.m. Feb. 22 at VFW Post 386, 419 Congress St.
Tickets, which are $35 and available at the post or by calling (609) 972-6710, include roast beef, chicken wings, rolls, salads and two beverages. Attendees must be 21 or older to enter – valid ID required. There will be raffles, a 50/50 drawing and live music.
The Longest Yarn, a three-dimensional wool exhibit created by thousands of volunteers worldwide, is scheduled to be on display in the spring at the Naval Air Station Wildwood Aviation Museum. It marks 80 years since the D-Day Invasion liberated France during World War II.
Lunch & Learn:
Physical Wellness
CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE — Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cape May County Family and Community Health Sciences program is partnering with the Ocean City Free Public Library to present the The 8 Dimensions of Wellness: Physical Wellness, from noon to 1 p.m. March 18.
The program, part of the new Lunch and Learn Series through November in Ocean City, is offered both virtually and in-person at the library, 1735 Simpson Ave. in Ocean City.
The 8 Dimensions of Wellness: Physical Wellness will be presented by Chris Zellers, FCHS educator/assistant professor for Cape May County.
The class is free but advanced registration is requested at go.rutgers.edu/75knxox9: Call (6090 465-5115, ext. 3607, or visit capemay.njaes.rutgers.edu for more information.
group Feb. 27
CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE — Rutgers Cooperative Extension Family and Community Health Sciences Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group has scheduled its next meeting for 5 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27, at Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cape May County, 355 Courthouse-South Dennis Road. The building is handicap accessible.
Chris Zellers, Family and Community Health Sciences educator/assistant professor, oversees the program, which meets 10 months each year providing information and support to grandparents who are raising their grandchildren.
Zellers will present on “The 8 Dimensions of Wellness” at the meeting. There are 8 components of Wellness defined by SAMSHA and this presentation will discuss all 8 Dimensions while suggesting ways to achieve better well-being.
New families are always welcome. Upcoming meetings will include programs on legal issues such as wills and guardianship and a variety of wellness and other topics.
Child care will be provided for grandchildren. A light supper will be served at 5 p.m. followed by the program at 5:30 p.m.
There is no charge but advanced registration is required by Feb. 21. Email brooke.chiera@co.cape-may.nj.us or call (609) 465-5115, ext. 3609.
Kids Cooking
Club March 19
CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE — Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cape May County Family and Community Health Sciences (FCHS) program has scheduled the second of four Kids Cooking Club sessions for March 19.
The program, for children age 8 to 12, is set for 4 to 6 p.m. at Rutgers Cooperative Extension, 355 Courthouse-South Dennis Road in Cape May Court House.
This session will focus on the fruit and vegetable food group. Children who participate will learn about the food groups and why it is healthy to eat many colors of fruits and vegetables. They also will make recipes with foods from around the world using fruits and vegetables.
The class is open to the public and costs $10 to attend. Space is limited, therefore registration is required by March 5 at go.rutgers.edu/8wevlyy5.
Call (6090 465-5115, ext. 3609, for more information.
Lunch & Learn
Exercise benefits
CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE — Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cape May County Family and Community Health Sciences (FCHS) program has scheduled the virtual Lunch & Learn Program, Avoiding Stress Eating, from 12:30 to 1 p.m. March 6.
The presentation will demonstrate the benefits of exercise for the mind, body and overall wellness.
The series provides viewers with health and wellness information during their lunch hour. Topics vary and allow participants a chance to grab a healthy half-hour tidbit of wellness to carry throughout the day.
Register in advance at go.rutgers.edu/1moy8kiq.
Sessions are recorded and available for the public to view on the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cape May County’s YouTube channel. Visit capemay.njaes.rutgers.edu for up-to-date information.
Middle high school
memorabilia display
CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE — The Middle Township High School Alumni Association plans to display more than 100 years of memorabilia during February at the Cape May County Museum at 504 Route 9 North in Cape May Court House.
The project was announced by group president Leatrice Westcott, a volunteer at the museum and former high school front office secretary for 35 years. During that time, she accumulated a vast archive of items that now have a venue for all to view.
Westcott and the staff of the museum spent about 60 hours on the display of items dating to 1884.
The exhibit is free to visitors from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays in February.
Call (609) 465-3535 for more information.
Fundraising run,
walk April 27
ATLANTIC CITY — The 15th annual Mosaic 5K Run & Health Walk and 1 Mile Family Fun Run & Walk are scheduled for April 27 on the Atlantic City Boardwalk.
Organized by Mosaic (formerly Seashore Gardens Foundation), the Run & Health Walk is the key fundraiser for Alzheimer’s and dementia outreach and programs.
The event will start and finish at Stockton University’s Atlantic City Campus at Albany Avenue and the boardwalk. The 5K Run will begin at 9 a.m. The 5K Health Walk and 1 Mile Family Fun Run will begin at 8:30 a.m. Wheelchairs and strollers are welcome in each of the events.
Free parking is offered from 7 a.m. to noon at the Stockton University commuter lot, 3601 Boardwalk at Hartford Avenue.
Pre-registration is available through 5 p.m. April 25. Preregistered participants will receive an event T-shirt (while supplies last). Cost is $35 for runners, $30 for walkers (with $5 discounts for ages 22 and under). Day of registration cost is $45.
The Family Fun Run is $20, and children ages 10 and under are $15. Same-day registration will be available at the race starting at 7:15 a.m. Visit mosaicgiving.org/5k.
Call (609) 748-4615 or email luurtsemae@seashoregardens.org for more information or sponsorship opportunities.
Easter events
at county zoo
CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE — Families are invited to join Cape May County Park and Zoo for a weeklong Easter Extravaganza from April 18-25.
Highlights of the event are an Easter Bunny I Spy Hunt, Easter Scavenger Hunt, HOPstacle Course and Easter Bunny Photo Opportunity.
The Easter Bunny will be ready for photos from 11 a.m. to 2p.m. April 19.
Festivities kick off at 10 a.m. daily.
Eat What You
Grow Series
CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE — Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cape May County Family & Community Health Sciences and Agriculture & Natural Resources departments have scheduled Eat What You Grow: Spring Session for 6:30 to 8 p.m. April 9 and 1 to 2:30 p.m. April 17 at Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cape May County, 355 Court House-South Dennis Road.
It is the second part of the four-part Eat What You Grow Series offered in both the evening and daytime through October 2025.
Presenters are Anneliese Kuemmerle, FCHS program associate II, and Jen Sawyer Caraballo, ANR Program Associate II.
The classes focus on seasonal vegetables and fruits, providing participants nutritional information and preparation ideas while teaching about growing tasty produce in a home garden.
The upcoming sessions will cover seed starting, greens and root vegetables, how to shop at farm markets or farm stands, benefits of eating seasonally, preserving spring harvests and encouraging children to eat what they grow. Attendees will also get hands-on experience sowing tomato seeds to take home with recipe idea cards.
The public is invited to sign up for individual classes at $10 per class. Visit go.rutgers.edu/2ndjz63h to register for the April 9 class go.rutgers.edu/8w6qqg4w to register for the April 17 class. Call (6090 465-5115, ext. 3607, or visit capemay.njaes.rutgers.edu for more information.
Grief Support Group
in Ocean City
OCEAN CITY – The Grief Support Group, open to any adult who is grieving the death of a loved one, is invited to attend a safe and caring gathering at 6:30 p.m. every other Tuesday year-round at St. Peter’s United Methodist Church, corner of Eighth Street and Central Avenue, Ocean City.
There is no need to be a church member or from Ocean City to attend. “It is a time to share your story, to tell of your grief and talk of your loved one. It is a place where you may express your feelings, without judgment, nor fixing. Everything is confidential and you, as well, are privileged and entrusted with the heart-felt stories of others. No matter when your loss, it is healing to acknowledge its place in your life.”
For questions or more information contact Jane Taylor at (609) 412-1855 or by email at janeht927@yahoo.com.
Mental health
support groups
NAMI Connection is a free recovery support group for adults (18+) living with a mental health condition. Participants gain the support of peers who understand their experience and gain insight into others’ challenges and successes. The group encourages empathy, productive discussion and a sense of community.
NAMI Family Support Group is a free peer-led group for family members, caregivers and loved ones (18+) of individuals living with a mental illness. Participants gain the support of peers who understand their experience and gain insight into others’ challenges and successes.
— 7 to 8:30 p.m. March 10, April 14, Family Support Group, St. Joseph Church, 606 Shore Road, Somers Point.
— 7 to 8:30 p.m. March 10, April 14, Somers Point, Connections, St. Joseph Church, 606 Shore Road, Somers Point.
— 7 to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 27, March 27, April 24, Cape May County Library, Cape May Court House, Family Support Group.
Visit namiacm.org or call (609) 741-5125 for more information.
Shiloh Baptist
services Sundays
OCEAN CITY – Pastor Paul extends a heartfelt invitation to join in the 11 a.m. Sunday service at Shiloh Baptist Church, 7E Seventh St., Ocean City.
Bible class is at 10 a.m.
“We would be honored to have you with us as we come together to worship and share in fellowship. Shiloh is where everyone’s life matters and every heart belongs.”
Grief Support Group
in Somers Point
SOMERS POINT – All are welcome to a Grief Support Group that meets at 7 p.m. the second and fourth Thursday of each month from October through January at Grace Lutheran Church, 11 East Dawes Ave., Somers Point.
“Whether you’ve lost a job, a loved one, health, relationships or a dream, we’re here to support you.” It is free and confidential small group care.
To reserve a spot call the church office at (609) 927-3082 or email office@gracelutheranspnj.comcastbiz.net.
Overeaters Anonymous
Overeaters Anonymous of Central Jersey invites people who have problems with food to join them for its 12-step recovery program. There are in-person meetings in Ocean County and Zoom meetings as well.
Visit oa-centraljersey.org for more information.
Tuesday night
Dances in S.P.
SOMERS POINT – The Dance Society’s Tuesday night dances are at Somers Point Fire Co. No. 1’s hall at 447 Bethel Road, Somers Point.
The dances are 7:30 to 10 p.m. Tuesdays featuring live musical duos, light snacks, social dancing, mixers and some line dancing. Cost is $10. “Come out and kick up your heels or just listen to some good music,” a spokes-dancer said. For more information call Rita Voli at (609) 408-3619.
History museum
seeks volunteers
OCEAN CITY — The Ocean City Historical Museum is seeking volunteers to serve as welcome desk greeters (including gift shop sales) and as museum docents. Training will be provided.
The museum is located within the Ocean City Community Center at 1735 Simpson Ave. Those interested in volunteering or learning more should call (609) 399-1801 or email info@ocnjmuseum.org.
Join Submarine
SOMERS POINT – South Jersey has a Submarine Association.
Service members who served on a U.S. Military submarine are invited to join the Jersey Sub Association. Call Commander Tom Innocente at (609) 927-4358 for more information
Call for free Family
Crisis Intervention
Families who are experiencing serious difficulties in managing the behavior of children 10 to 17 years old for whom they are responsible can seek assistance through the Atlantic County Juvenile/Family Crisis Intervention Unit (FCIU).
FCIU is a legally mandated program that is available 24 hours a day to intercede in family conflicts and help strengthen the family unit. Its services include short-term crisis stabilization, family assessment, case management, treatment planning and referrals to appropriate community-based services.
FCIU is available to meet in-person by appointment with youth and their families from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at 101 Shore Road in Northfield. Appointments can also be conducted by phone or as a virtual meeting to help de-escalate and resolve family conflicts.
Call (609) 645-5861 or email family_crisis@aclink.org. Referral forms are available at atlantic_county.org.
Free screening
for depression
Online screening for depression and postpartum depression is available at mhaac.info/screening.
The confidential screening involves 10 questions related to topics such as sleep habits, appetite, concentration and level of energy. Resources and recommendations are offered at the end of the survey.
Anyone who wants to take the screening but needs assistance can call The Mental Health Association in Atlantic County at (609) 652-3800. Staff are available throughout the year by phone or by appointment. No cost, no insurance needed.
Angelic Health
seeks volunteers
Angelic Health Palliative & Hospice Care is asking the public to share its time and compassion with those near the end of their journey.
Visit angelic.health, email volunteer@angelic.health or call (609) 432-0073 for information.