57 °F Ocean City, US
March 17, 2025

Opinion: Forget party politics; hold kindness rallies

There has been a change in the attitude of the public, more than likely caused by politics and the media. Even at local council and commission meetings, residents seem to be angry and suspect their governing bodies are up to no good.

In the world in general, it’s as if a giant vacuum cleaner hose touched down on Earth and sucked out all of the patience, compassion and politeness. Our nation is divided into political camps viewing the other folks as either evil doers or idiots.

If we keep on like this, something very bad will happen. I don’t like living in a divided nation. I think both mainstream and right-wing media have gone too far, making villains of the other side. 

We need something to bring us all together. Politic is such a minor part of life. I don’t want to wear a label that identifies me as either a liberal or a conservative. What difference does it make? Can’t we all just get along?

We more than likely agree on more topics than on we disagree. Don’t we all love chocolate, puppies and kittens, Willie Nelson, Saturdays, birthdays, little kids, Bugs Bunny, sunsets, 1966 Mustangs and Camaros, Paul McCartney, ice cream, new sneakers, the smell of a new car or freshly cut grass and hugs?

See, we agree on more topics than on which we disagree. Letting politics separate us is a mistake. What we don’t need is political rallies with name-calling that further angers and divides us.

I suggest as an alternative that we hold kindness rallies during which we all gather on the beach, have a big barbecue and listen to music. 

Just about everyone likes chicken and corn on the cob, so let’s eat at our kindness rally. Let’s hire tribute bands to play the music of the Beatles and the Beach Boys, because just about everyone likes their music.

Let’s have a couple of speakers talk about good things happening in our community like our local police rescuing baby ducks from a storm sewer and folks helping the homeless.

There was a hit song in the ’60s from Jesse Colin Young entitled “Get Together.” If you’re over age 50, you probably know the words:

Come on people now

Smile on your brother

Everybody get together

And try to love one another right now.

I’m tired of anger, conspiracy theories, mass shootings and wars in various places. I’d like to go live on a hilltop with no TV, radio or internet, grow my own vegetables, buy a goat, read and listen to my record collection and let the world pass me by. 

We all need to vote, but let’s otherwise forget politics. Turn off CNN or Fox News and watch a Phillies game. Skip putting political bumper stickers on your car or signs on your lawn. That just separates you from 50 percent of the population.

Let’s hold kindness rallies, learn to accept each other no matter where we were born and stop all this negativity. It will give you an ulcer, a headache or a heart attack. Say hello to your neighbor, plant some flowers, buy a bicycle or a guitar, volunteer somewhere but don’t let politics diminish the short lives that we all have. 

Jack Fichter is editor of the Cape May Star and Wave, sister newspaper to the Ocean City Sentinel, Upper Township Sentinel and The Sentinel of Somers Point, Linwood and Northfield.

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