Boat parade was tribute to Jimmy Buffett
OCEAN CITY — It was 5 o’clock all evening in America’s Greatest Family Resort on July 20 as Ocean City celebrated Night in Venice with a tribute to the late Jimmy Buffett.
Beneath overcast skies, lost shakers of salt were found at one particular harbor after another as homeowners and boat captains embraced the “Margaritaville” theme for 2024 following the iconic musician’s death last September.
Thanks to the good will of Councilman Dave Winslow, who has organized the event for decades, The Sentinel was able to take in the city’s marquee event from sea this year, and found that people fill every available horizontal surface to watch the parade.
Spectators view it from vantage points high and low, on land and sea. They lined the beaches in the Northend, stood on decks and docks, sat in boats and splashed around on floats to see the spectacle. Several reporters from other news outlets, not fortunate enough to be afloat, lined one section of dock.
Michael Doebley and Deborah Crabtree, owners of the 26-foot Steiter Craft Miss Debwa and Mighty Heron Charters out of Seaview Harbor Marina, offered their boat as an escort to Queen Infanta Callie Bellwoar, a recent graduate of Ocean City High School. Part of her duty was leading the annual Baby Parade last year.
She was accompanied by her mother, Sandie Bellwoar, and friends Alexis Allegretto, Jackson Barnes and Bronwyn Rafieyan of Warren, Somerset County. Allegretto and Barnes are also 2024 OCHS grads.

“We like to support the community. Ocean City supports us so much so we like to give back,” Crabtree said of providing their boat. “It’s such a classic event — we are both from this area — and this is the best way to participate.”
She said they hosted Queen Infanta for two years and had singer Jackie Evancho as well.
“It’s fun to see all of the decorated boats and it’s just a little break. Perfect time to block the calendar and take it easy a bit,” Crabtree added.
Sandie Bellwoar said they have been taking part in Night in Venice for decades.
“I’ve probably been to 15 to 20 over the years,” she said, noting her favorite part is “usually watching the boats but this one is going to be watching the houses.”
The vantage point from the bay is far superior to the shore. It was surprising to see people lined up along street ends, children’s heads popping up above the bulkheads.

What was not surprising was the immense party taking place along the entire route. There were inflatable cheeseburgers, flamingoes and, nearly everywhere, clocks stuck on 5 p.m. There even was a volcano or two.
Some people may say that there’s a woman to blame, but not everyone stuck to the Buffett theme. In fact, one house had a Barbie theme while another had superheroes. Others decided simply to share their politics for all to see. There also were multiple Philadelphia Eagles-themed houses, paying homage to defensive end Brandon Graham who was in the parade.
Rafieyan said she had heard of the parade before but had never been to it.
“It’s cool; it’s definitely different than anything in my town,” she said. “You guys have so much town spirit. I like it.”
The 18-year-old, who is headed to Princeton University in the fall, happened to be in town and was invited aboard.
“I was going to leave this morning and ended up staying for this,” she said, noting she was not disappointed.
Bellwoar, who was busy responding to shout-outs from friends along the way, said she was having a great time.
“This is so much fun. I love that you can see all of the houses instead of just being able to see the boats,” she said.
Barnes was impressed with one house on the Whale’s Tail Lagoon.
“I like the house with the live music. That’s a pretty big commitment,” he said.

Allegretto, daughter of aide to Mayor Jay Gillian Michael Allegretto, liked the party atmosphere.
“Everybody seems to be really enjoying it. A lot of people decorate, which is pretty cool,” she said.
The 18-year-old is headed to Auburn University in Alabama this fall.
The city’s Community Services Department, led by Dan Kelchner, did a terrific job of running the show, providing catered food from sponsor ACME to all of the lead boats and making sure everyone got aboard the correct vessel at the Ocean City Yacht Club.
Each boat got some chicken skewers, cheeseburgers sliders, macaroni and cheese plus a fruit tray and cookie spread.
Earlier in the week, Reagan McCormack was crowned Miss Night in Venice 2024 after collecting the most money for her chosen charity. She was sponsored by Gabriel Building Group.
–Boat Number, Name of the Boat, Family’s Name and Theme
–Best in show 25’ and over: #223, GI Joe, Tortis, Life Gives You Limes, Make Margaritas
–Best in show 24’ and under: #244, That’s What Sea Said, Young & Beiswinger Families, It’s 5 O’Clock in Ocean City
–Best Commercial: #227, PHANTOM, Sea Philly, Flamingo Fever, Sea Philly River Cruising Tours
–Best Non-profit: #213, Reel Addiction, Eachus, Protect Our Coast
Best Decorated 25’ and over
1st Place: #257, Shanti, Toner Family, Parrot Head Beach Club
2nd Place: #249, Brook Sea III, Bob Brook, Jimmy Buffett
3rd Place: #233, Lady Lou, Rising Tide Charters, LLC, Cheese Burger in Paradise
Best Decorated 24’ and under
1st Place: #274, Perfect Timing, Richard Ciabattoni, Farewell To Jimmy Buffett
2nd Place: #250, Heading West, Gillespie, Lost Shaker of Salt
3rd Place: #258, The Jemmer, Alex Manna, Cheeseburger in Paradise
Best Comic 25’ and over
1st Place: #232, Reel Fun, Feel Fun Fishing, Margaretville
Best Comic 24’ and under
1st Place: #275. The Grateful Fred, Fred Bornhardt, Cheeseburger in Paradise
2nd Place: #278, Unnamed, Charles Carleton, 5 O’Clock Somewhere
3rd Place: #220, At Last, Glen Marshall, Cheeseburger in Paradise
Best Musical 25’ and over
1st Place: #269, Chief, Bob Lojewski, Buffet
Best Musical 24’ and under
1st Place: #239, Dauntless 220, Peter Reed, Summertime
Most Original 25’ and over
1st Place: #255, Eliza Gail, Daniel Higgins, “Cheesesteak” In Paradise
2nd Place: #242, Marabella, Roberto Marques, It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere
3rd Place: #229, Andiamo, Eric Angstadt, F1 Ocean City Grand Prix
Most Original 24’ and under
1st Place: #247, Three Captains, Womer Family, Cheeseburger in Ocean City
2nd Place: #245, Rockin N Reeling, Chris Leo, Margaritaville
3rd Place: #219, Reel Nauti, Philip Maceno, Nor’Easter Nick Looks For His Lost Shaker of Salt
#, Last Name, Theme
Zone 1:
1st Place: #65, Hornyak, Barbie’s OC Beach Blast
2nd Place: #141, Yurgin, Margaritaville
3rd Place: #145, Desrosiers, Wasting Away in Ocean Cityville
Zone 2:
1st Place: #92, Greene, Wasting Away Again in Oceancityville!
2nd Place: #133, Eni, It’s Always 5 O’Clock in Ocean City
3rd Place: #157, McMahon, Parrot Heads
Zone 3:
1st Place: #158, Kelly, A Cheeseburger in Paradise on Christmas Island
2nd Place: #55, Kelly/Fitzpatrick, Squeeze Me Baby, one More Lime!
3rd Place: #134, Colsher, Last Cheeseburger in Paradise
Zone 4:
1st Place: #31, Hernandez, Paradise On Pleasure
2nd Place: #19, Dimeglio, If Life Gives You Limes, Make Margaritas!
3rd Place: #49, Walker/LoSasso, Parrot-dise on the Bay
Zone 5:
1st Place: #79, Thornton, Hooked on NIV – A Tribute to OCMTC 65th Anniversary
2nd Place: #131, Rossiter, OCNJ is Where I’m A-Gonne Go When The Volcano Blows
3rd Place: #89, Weber, Birds of a Feather – Flock Together
Zone 6:
1st Place: #81, Myers, Ocean City – Buffett Style
2nd Place: #104, Reganato, Reganatoville
3rd Place: #39, Chiumento, Wasting Away in Deadpoolville
Zone 7:
1st Place: #112, Miller, Fins Up!
2nd Place: #99, Scanlons/Brandenberges, The Family Circus
3rd Place: #100, McCarraher/Prettyman, Bonjour Olympics 2024!
Zone 8:
1st Place: #118, Dorney, It’s 5 O’Clock Somehwere
2nd Place: #122, Boyle, We Love Jimmy Buffett
3rd Place: #114, Hurly, Cheeseburger in Jimmy’s Paradise
Zone 9:
1st Place: #137, Maxwell, Chillin’ Like a Villain in OC
2nd Place: #136, Hoffman, Encanto in Paradise
3rd Place: #52, Marshall/Rombola, Lost Shaker of Salt
Zone 10:
1st Place: #36, Conner, Olympics Summer Games 2024 in Paris
2nd Place: #50, Church, Cheeseburger in OC
3rd Place: #151, Caricich, Flamingos in Paradise
Zone 11:
1st Place: #88, Ruh, Jimmy Buffett King of Mardi Gras
2nd Place: #140, Huber, Night in Nashville
3rd Place: #32, Weigel, Yes, I Am A Pirate!
Zone 12:
1st Place: #84, Votta, This Ain’t Texas
2nd Place: #75, Hill, Margaritaville in OC!
3rd Place: #165, Seeburger, Seeburgers in Paradise
Zone 13:
1st Place: #82, Rafetto, To OC We Go, When The Volcano Blows!
2nd Place: #38, Van Stone, Wastin’ Away in OceanCity-ville
3rd Place: #155, Coluzzi, It’s Vienna’s Golden Birthday Somewhere
Zone 14 (Condo/Commercial):
1st Place: #42, Bay Club Condos, It’s Always 5 O’Clock At The Bay Club
2nd Place: #33, Harbor House, Wasted Away in HARBOR-Ritaville
3rd Place: #51, Bay Village, Flamingo Bay
– STORY and PHOTOS by CRAIG D. SCHENCK/Sentinel staff