48 °F Ocean City, US
March 21, 2025

Northfield school budget raises tax rate

NORTHFIELD — The Northfield Board of Education approved sending its 2023-24 budget to the executive county superintendent March 20.

The $20,483,872 spending plan calls for an increase in the local school tax rate of .67 cents to $1.2532 per $100, or $6.60 on every $100,000 of assessed value.

According to School Business Administrator Linda Albright, the plans includes a general fund tax levy of $10,508,457, up $104,044, or 1 percent, from 2022-23. The debt service tax levy dropped by $30,183 this year to $501,433, helping to offset any larger tax increase. The total tax levy is $10,979,707, up $73,861, or .68 percent.

The district also budgeted an additional $144,782 of surplus funds.

Helping the district this year was a $5,352,640 increase in net valuation to $872,389,600 and an additional $270,000 in state aid, Albright said.

A public hearing and final vote on the budget are scheduled for April 24 at Northfield Community School.

Meanwhile, City Council introduced its $14,217,206 spending plan March 21, which would raise the municipal tax rate 1.5 cents to 98.3 cents per $100, an increase of $15 on every $100,000 of assessed value.

Mainland Regional High School introduced its budget March 20, calling for an increase of 1.1 cents in Northfield.

The three entities combined plan a tax increase of about 3.3 cents per $100, or just less than $100 on a house assessed at $300,000.

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