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March 18, 2025

No information, misinformation

GOP ticket ducks candidate event, fabricates story instead

The Upper Township Business Association hosted a forum Sept. 30 for the nine candidates seeking seats on Upper Township Committee to provide voters with some information to help them choose their elected officials.

Unfortunately for those in attendance, three of the candidates chose not to participate, instead hosting a campaign rally at the Seaville Fire Hall at the same time.

But the insult to voters didn’t stop at ducking out of a forum in which candidates shared their backgrounds and positions on issues important to the township. Hayes, Newman and Pancoast posted a message on their campaign Facebook page, Hayes, Newman and Pancoast for Upper Township Committee, the next day that was a complete fabrication of what took place at the UTBA event.

Three seats are up for grabs Nov. 3 on the five-member governing body — two full three-year terms and one one-year unexpired term.

There’s a lot at stake since the longtime leadership of the township, Mayor Rich Palombo and Deputy Mayor Ed Barr, have chosen not to seek re-election.

That leaves just one short-term incumbent, Kim Hayes, seeking to return to office. She is joined by Marmora Fire Chief Jay Newman and Ocean City police Sgt. Mark Pancoast on the official Republican ticket. Newman is a former member of Township Committee.

Also seeking the seats are Lenora Boninfante-Kodytek and Shawna Mulford, of Team Purple, and Christina “Cricket” Denton running as Democrats and Jack Griffin, Andy Shawl and Tony Inserra, calling themselves “independent Republicans.”

“Our event last night couldn’t have gone off better, a comparison of the two events was like night and day. Hayes, Newman and Pancoast began their event with a Salute To The Flag (sic) and a prayer for our opponents. The opponent choose (sic) to open theirs with screaming, yelling and the waving of their nasty signs,” the post stated.

There was no screaming nor yelling. Some did hold up signs, questioning where the Republicans were, but emcee Blanche Adams of the UTBA asked them to take them down.

“Our opponents claimed to be following The League of Women Voters debate rules. Although nothing, including bringing their nasty signage resembled a League debate. It’s sad that the UT Business Association allowed their event to be hijacked and turned into a candidate rally. To further add insult to injury, that event not only charged an admissions fee, but screened attendants, and had prepared questions submitted by only one group of candidates. To try to characterize that as a debate is impossible.”

In fact, it was not characterized as a debate but instead a mixer, according to Adams, one in which those in attendance could find out where the candidates stood on matters important to them and the township. And the questions were submitted by the candidates and generated by the UTBA.

“The Hayes, Newman, and Pancoast event was the antithesis of our opponent’s event. Our event was free and open to anyone who wanted to attend. We are proud to say that no question went unanswered by any of our candidates. It was made clear that we are the only campaign seeking an honest discussion with the voters on issues,” the Facebook post continued. “Even more clear, is the fact that we are now entering a very nasty stage in this campaign. It is a fact that when other campaigns are failing that they turn into the usual mudslinging and nasty campaigns that we have seen so many times before.”

It is clear that the campaign has turned nasty. It is also clear who has turned the campaign nasty.

Nothing said during the UTBA forum was personally negative about any candidate. The Republicans created a false narrative to justify their skipping an event in which voters could learn more about them.

“We look forward to more of these town halls in the future as we remain transparent and in constant touch with our community. Our candidates truly feel a part of the Upper Township Community, and are proud to be,” the post concluded.

“I was flabbergasted when I read the post. I feel like they questioned the integrity of the UTBA. The issues were not partisan but about what’s going to make our life better in Upper Township,” Adams said.

Boninfante-Kodytek and Mulford called out Hayes, Newman and Pancoast for skipping the candidates forum, saying invitations were sent weeks ago.

“The incumbent team of Hayes, Newman and Pancoast disrespected the people and businesses of Upper Township by refusing to attend this forum. Instead, they scheduled a ‘town hall’ at the same time, in front of a hand-picked, sympathetic audience,” they stated in a news release.

Adams said invitations were sent out to all nine candidates Sept. 3. Later that day, campaign manager Peg Emberger asked the UTBA to reschedule since it was planning its own event. All nine candidates were provided with the questions and format for the event anyway.

The UTBA deserves praise for the way it conducted its candidates night as do the six candidates who came to the nonpartisan event.

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1 Comment

  1. This was my response to their FB post. It was deleted and I was blocked for it.:

    This is so full of blatant lies, my head is spinning! Who ever posted this is the definition of what we need to get rid of in politics. Please back up any of the things you say with facts.
    1) What signs are you referring to?
    2) The Democrats never had a say in the questions. I know for a fact they weren’t even aware that there would be questions, until a few days prior to the event.
    3) Who was there that saw: screaming, yelling, and nasty signs? There was none of that!! What event are you even taking about? Because, it certainly wasn’t the one the one hosted by our Business Association.

    4) Furthermore, EVERYONE was welcome, and the $15 admission fee covered All- You-Could-Eat appetizers.

    5) And, this post is the highest level of “mudslinging” I’ve seen or heard in this election! It’s one thing to sling mud when there are facts. But, most of what you’re saying, it’s not even True!!

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