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March 16, 2025

Linwood parts ways with former police chief Hamilton

By CRAIG D. SCHENCK/Sentinel staff

LINWOOD — Amid an investigation into allegations of misconduct, Police Chief John Hamilton will resume his duties and be allowed to retire and collect a pension after 25 years of service to the city.

City Council passed a resolution April 14 that authorizes a separation agreement and mutual release with the embattled former chief. It states that “the city of Linwood and John Hamilton have resolved all differences and disputes.”

The separation agreement states “the employee’s services for the city of Linwood are eligible to cease on the close of business Dec. 31, 2021, which is the date upon which the employee shall reach 25 years of service with the city.”

The move comes as a result of the investigation and the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office taking over supervision of the Linwood Police Department.

In a news release issued Jan. 4, the Prosecutor’s Office stated that effective Jan. 1, “the supervision of the Linwood Police Department will be under the statutory authority vested in the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office.”

According to the release, City Council placed Hamilton on paid administrative leave and named Capt. Jason Weber acting chief and Lt. Steve Cunningham acting captain Dec. 9, 2020.

The separation agreement states that Hamilton served 24 years 4 months with the department and allows him to return to work as chief until April 30, at which time he will be demoted to lieutenant and serve until Dec. 31. It cites an agreement between the city and state Policemen’s Benevolent Association Mainland Local 77 dated Jan. 1, 2016, through Dec. 31, 2021.

Hamilton is permitted to use 100 percent of his accrued six leave time, vacation time, holiday time and personal time “for the purpose of engaging in terminal leave prior to his effective date of retirement.”

Hamilton further is permitted to accrue 490 hours or 61.25 days of vacation to “carry over into the following year.”

According to a state public employee salary database, Hamilton was earning $137,546 as of Dec. 31, 2020.

Hamilton took over the job April 1, 2020, from Doug Carman, who retired effective March 31 after 25 years on the force. Carman had been promoted to the position in 2015, following an agreement in which Linwood and Northfield shared a chief.

In 2019, Carman and Hamilton settled a $400,000 whistleblower lawsuit with the city they filed in 2011, claiming a hostile work environment under former chief Jim Baker. The settlement called for each officer to receive $143,088.67, while their lawyer was paid $113,822.66, according to published reports.

After Baker retired, Carman was next in line to be police chief. Instead, Linwood signed an agreement with Northfield to share its chief, Colin Hickey, a Northfield resident who served on the Linwood police force for 25 years. The towns ended that agreement in 2015, when Carman was named police chief and Hamilton was promoted to captain.

On Jan. 27, City Council appointed Weber deputy chief with a salary of $137,242. 

Council President Ralph Paolone said at the time that the city, police department and Prosecutor’s Office had a meeting planned for Feb. 1 to discuss the progress of the investigation into Hamilton’s alleged misconduct and reorganization of the department from top down.

A call to the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office inquiring about the status of the investigation was not returned.

“Linwood is pleased to end this chapter and move forward with our Police Department,” Paolone stated in an email April 16.

Mayor Darren Matik said he agrees with Palone’s statement. 

“Unfortunately during personnel issues the governing body cannot comment on the matter,” he added. 

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