Chiefs highlight 2023 incidents in Ocean City in which police officers, firefighters, dispatchers, lifeguards answered the call
OCEAN CITY — There wasn’t a safer place on the island Feb. 28 than the Ocean City Tabernacle, where dozens of first responders gathered along with their families and other loved ones to honor those among them who participated in life-saving efforts in 2023.
Chief William Campbell of the Ocean City Police Department, Chief James Smith of the Fire Department and Chief Erich Becker of the Beach Patrol gathered on stage with Mayor Jay Gillian and the Rev. John Jamieson, who delivered the benediction.
“All too often, our public safety members perform actions that have a life-altering positive outcome for those in need. Tonight, we are recognizing members whose actions made a difference in greatly enhancing the safety of the public,” Campbell said. “This is a great night to be here and hopefully the first of a long-standing tradition in Ocean City to recognize our dispatchers, our police officers, our firefighters who go above and beyond the call of duty.”
Gillian delivered opening remarks.
“In 14 years of being mayor, one thing that is most important to me is public safety. When you’re in the amusement business, one thing you’re always thinking about is whether the rides are safe and whether your guests are going to be safe. I hope that in 14 years, we have done everything we can for firefighters, police and lifeguards because it is important,” the mayor said, adding that it was the first time for the ceremony and that it was long-overdue.
“The stories you’ll hear tonight and the quick response and actions taken by our police officers, firefighters and lifeguards show the importance of dedication, of teamwork. These first responders make a difference, they save lives, and there are a lot of families that will be forever grateful for their amazing work. They are a perfect example why Ocean City will always be America’s Greatest Family Resort.”

The chiefs took turns calling up the officers involved in the incidents in chronological order and discussing how the events unfolded. Afterward, those honored posed for a group picture with the chief and mayor before their families were called up for more photos to chronicle the event.
“Not only do we want to recognize these heroic actions, we want the families to be able to remember tonight with photo opportunities,” Campbell said.
2023 honorees
— Dec. 8, 2023: Unit Citation recommended
Officers involved: Lt. Dave Rowland, Sgt. Sean Donohue, Sgt. Doug Varnold, Sgt. Craig Wilson, Officer Thomas Mullineaux, Officer Michael Hall, Officer Jacob Johnson, Officer Stephen Schmidt, Officer Ben Bethea, Officer Shane Rauner, dispatchers Ryan Couse, Jim Lowe, Rachel Anderson, Mark Newman and Robby Lane
Circumstances: At 3:59 p.m., Couse received a call from Jeffrey Surgent saying that he had just killed his mother inside his apartment at 635 West Ave. Couse dispatched the call, triggering a mass response from first responders. First arriving Officers Bethea and Mullineaux identified the suspect lying on top of the deceased and decapitated victim in the hallway outside his apartment.
Bethea quickly moved down the hallway, while Mullineaux provided tactical cover, allowing Bethea to secure the suspect by handcuffing and removing him from the corpse.
The scene was subsequently secured by other officers and the investigation commenced. The other dispatchers continued answering calls related to the homicide, while providing requested resources and answering unrelated phone calls.
Campbell called the incident “one of the most horrendous acts that the city has ever seen,” noting that those involved “performed heroically, admirably, professionally and kept their emotions in check with an otherwise deranged suspect.”
Afterward, Campbell called up Bethea for an individual honor. He said had it not been for Bethea’s quick decision to secure the suspect in handcuffs and remove him from the corpse, the situation could have carried on for a much longer period of time with a different outcome.
“My first order of business by the end of the week is to submit paperwork to the state Chiefs of Police Association to see if we can get Ben recognized throughout the state with a valor award,” Campbell said.
— Jan. 11, 2023
OCFD personnel: Capt. Raymond Clark, Firefighter Robert Sharpe, Firefighter Alexandra Rothman, Firefighter Timothy Young and EMT Winston Roberts
OCPD: Lt. Robert Reichanek
Circumstances: Units were dispatched to the area of Victoria Lane for an advanced life support medical emergency. Reichanek arrived and initiated PT care in less than a minute of being dispatched. He determined the patient was unconscious, unresponsive and in cardiac arrest, then initiated CPR.
OCFD B Platoon Engine 2 and Ambulance 1 arrived on the scene and continued CPR while using an AED and a Lucas CPR compression device.
Due to actions and teamwork, the return of spontaneous circulation for the patient was achieved on scene. The patient was packaged and transported to the hospital for further evaluation and care.
— Feb. 25, 2023
OCPD officer involved: John DuPont
Circumstances: DuPont responded to a 911 call at 6:08 p.m. at 1704 West Ave., with other police officers and firefighters in response to the caller’s girlfriend overdosing. DuPont administered Narcan into the victim’s right nostril and then the left nostril. The firefighters present attended to the victim, who regained consciousness shortly thereafter.
— April 2, 2023
OCPD Officer involved: Ben Bethea
OCFD personnel: Acting Capt. Ryan Stamm, Firefighter Richard Snyder, Firefighter Timothy Quinn, Firefighter Matthew Rinck, Firefighter Eric Masters
Circumstances: Bethea and members of the Fire Department were dispatched to address an unconscious male in the 5000 block of West Avenue. Bethea arrived within one minute of being dispatched and used an AED and began chest compressions until firefighters arrived. OCFD B Platoon Engine 3 crew continued to administer CPR. Ambulance 2 crew arrived and assisted with lifesaving care including the use of a Lucas CPR compression device. Due to the lifesaving efforts of all crews involved a successful return of spontaneous circulation was achieved.
— May 2, 2023
OCPD officers involved: Paul Stryker, Jeff Doto
Circumstances: Stryker responded to the 900 block of the boardwalk at 6:14 p.m. with other officers and firefighters for a report of an individual who was potentially intoxicated and stumbling. Officers observed the subject lying on the boardwalk. It was determined that the victim was drifting in and out of consciousness.
Doto administered one dose of Narcan to the victim, who became alert and responsive to the first responders shortly thereafter.
The victim was subsequently transported to Shore Medical Center by ambulance.
— May 27, 2023
OCFD personnel: Capt. John Quigley, Firefighter Ryan Clark, Firefighter George Karpinski, Firefighter William Lombard, Firefighter Dan Boardman
Circumstances: Units were dispatched to the area of Fourth Street and the Boardwalk for a report of an unconscious person. OCFD C Platoon Engine 1 and Ambulance 1 crews arrived and located an unconscious and unresponsive patient. Crews determined the patient was in cardiac arrest. The crew members initiated CPR, placed an AED into service and also utilized a Lucas CPR compression device. Successful spontaneous circulation was achieved as a result of the
actions of these crew members.
— July 13, 2023
Officer involved: Sgt. Brendan Gheen
Circumstances: At 9:46 a.m., Gheen responded to room 714 of the Port-O-Call Hotel for the report of an unconscious male. While making his way to the patient, Gheen had the presence of mind to secure an elevator, anticipating additional arriving first responders.
Gheen maintained a sense of calmness and professionalism, not wanting to cause undue alarm to the staff or guests. He then ran to the patient and relieved the civilian who was performing CPR until he was relieved by arriving fire personnel. Once relieved, Gheen returned to his role as a supervisor and did what was needed to secure the scene and request additional resources.
— July 29, 2023
OCPD officers involved: Officer Mike Hall, SLEO 1 Officer Bob Armstrong
Circumstances: At 8:33 p.m. on Night in Venice, Hall and Armstrong, assigned to the Marine Unit, responded to a report of a single wave runner accident with injuries in Peck’s Bay. The officers located the victim adjacent to Shooting Island.
Unbeknownst to the officers, the victim had been lying in the water for several hours until discovered by a passing boater and had suffered a fractured pelvis and internal bleeding.
The officers made the decision to load the victim onto their patrol boat and transport him to the boat ramps at Tennessee Avenue where he was then transferred to rescue personnel.
— Aug. 15, 2023
OCFD personnel: Capt. Christopher Wildman, Firefighter William Tomlinson, Firefighter Eric Masters, Firefighter Jonathan Simonson, EMT Winston Roberts
Circumstances: OCFD B Platoon Engine 1 and Ambulance 1 were dispatched to the area of Second Street and Corinthian Avenue for service related to a person experiencing a seizure. Upon arrival, crews discovered the patient was in cardiac arrest. CPR was initiated, including the use of an AED and a Lucas CPR compression device. Due to their life-saving efforts, a successful return of spontaneous circulation was achieved.
— Aug. 18, 2023
OCPD Officers involved: Sgt. Joshua Clark, Officer Ryan Lutz
Circumstances: At 2:58 a.m., Clark (now a lieutenant) and Lutz responded to the 1600 block of Simpson Avenue in response to a report of an unconscious male with CPR in progress. Clark administered a single dose of Narcan while Lutz began CPR. Arriving firefighters applied an AED and after about 30 seconds of compressions, the victim was resuscitated, began breathing, regained consciousness and was transported to Shore Medical Center by ambulance.
— Aug. 27, 2023
OCFD personnel: Capt. Michael Reganato, Firefighter Anthony Caine, Firefighter Kevin Muller, Firefighter Kennan Murray, Firefighter Dan Boardman
OCPD personnel involved: Sgt. John Vogt, Officer Brandon Smith, Seasonal Class II Officer Grace Fox, dispatcher Mark Newman
Circumstances: Newman received a call reporting an unconscious and unresponsive male in the area of Anchorage Drive, called in by the victim’s wife.
Newman dispatched an ambulance. While doing so, he simultaneously calmed the caller, began providing her with instructions to perform CPR and assured her help was on the way. The victim’s wife began performing CPR at the instruction of Newman until EMS personnel arrived and took over.
OCFD C Platoon Engine 3 and Ambulance 2, as well as OCPD crews arrived and determined that the patient was in cardiac arrest. The crew members initiated CPR, placed an AED into service and utilized a Lucas CPR compression device. A total of six shocks were delivered before the arrival of ALS paramedics. OCPD officers assisted with patient care by helping carry the patient out of the residence and securing and setting up equipment. Successful spontaneous circulation was achieved as a result of the actions of the OCFD and OCPD members. Smith and Fox assisted with patient care by helping carry the patient out of the residence and securing and setting up equipment while Vogt comforted the family that was present. Because of Newman’s professionalism and calm demeanor, the victim ultimately survived. As a result of their efforts, Smith and Fox were included in a Unit Citation commendation from the Ocean City Department of Fire and Rescue Services.
— Aug. 29, 2023
OCPD officers involved: Officer Stephen Schmidt
Circumstances: First responders arrived at 1636 Simpson Ave. for the second time in 11 days for the report of a drug overdose. When Schmidt arrived, he was told by the victim’s father that his son had overdosed and was lying on the bathroom floor.
He observed the unresponsive victim and administered one dose of Narcan into the victim’s nostril and performed a sternum rub on his chest. After about two minutes and seeing no change in the victim, Schmidt administered a second dose of Narcan. About one minute later, the victim began gasping for air more regularly and opened his eyes.
Fire personnel then took over care of the victim, including providing him with oxygen. The victim then began breathing normally.
— Sept. 11, 2023
OCFD personnel: Capt. Christopher Wildman, Firefighter Ryan Stamm, Firefighter Zachary Kreiser, Firefighter Eric Masters, EMT Winston Roberts
OCPD officers involved: Officer Ben Bethea, Officer Anthony Millevoi
Circumstances: At 3:29 p.m., Bethea and Millevoi responded to the 1500 block of Simpson Avenue for the report of an unconscious person. Bethea was directed to the second-floor bathroom, where he was advised the elderly patient had fallen. Not feeling a pulse, Bethea began CPR. He used the AED and the officers continued tending to the victim until relieved by fire personnel. OCFD B Platoon Engine 1 and Ambulance 1 arrived and assumed patient care. Due to their teamwork and lifesaving efforts a successful return of spontaneous circulation was achieved.
By CRAIG D. SCHENCK/Sentinel staff