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July 6, 2024

Camryn Dirkes finds her ‘natural high’

She is unfailingly polite, but relentless


Sentinel staff

LINWOOD – Looking at Camryn Dirkes on the basketball court – or, for that matter, on the soccer pitch in the fall or throwing the javelin during track and field in the spring – there is nothing that reveals the fierce competitor inside.

Until the competition begins. Any competition. 

That is when the fierce athlete is revealed.

Even then, you see Dirkes, a lean girl of moderate height (5’7”) who smiles a lot and laughs easily. She is exceedingly polite. She doesn’t play dirty. She doesn’t trash talk her opponents.

But  this high school junior will do everything she can to win.

Asked to explain how what’s going on inside her, what drives her, she first thanked the reporter asking her questions when he pointed out she didn’t kick opponents when they were down or do other nasty stuff during competitions.

“I really love the game of basketball,” she said after her Mainland Mustangs beat Ocean City Friday evening on her home court. “I love competing.

“I never was a fan of the people who stared you down when they made a good play or kicked you when no one was looking,” she laughed. “I try to incorporate being a good person and being a good player. Competitiveness has always been in my nature. I have always loved to compete. Being an athlete, I’m so happy I was gifted with that. That is my favorite thing.”

During Friday night’s game, she and her teammates did not let up against their main rivals, not trying to pad the lead, but always diving after loose balls, fighting for rebounds and possession and making steals even when the game was well in hand.

“It’s funny, because in elementary school and middle school, we were always taught about this natural high,” Dirkes said. “I think that’s what I feel like when I’m on the court and I think that’s what my teammates feel like. Once we get a good play – even if it’s not you – you just get that adrenaline rush and you want to keep building on that. 

“It’s a natural high and I’ve never experienced anything like it. That’s why I just love this game. I love playing with the girls I have.”

When the reporter noted the only natural adrenaline rush he gets is when he eats super spicy hot sauces, she smiled again, saying she is always putting hot sauce on things.

Why isn’t that a surprise?

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